Adult Training

Cancellation policy: Please see individual training event details for the corresponding cancellation policy, and contact answers@girlscoutsosw.org to request a cancellation or refund.
Please note: Participants need to be present for an entire course in order to receive credit for the training. Late arrival participation will be evaluated by the trainer. GSOSW volunteer trainings are adult, member-only events. Please make other arrangements for your children.
Learn about training, travel progression, forms, and everything else that goes into a successful trip with Girl Scouts!
LET'S GOIf you're looking for details about what training is required for our different volunteer roles, we have answers for you.
VIEW TRAININGMany of your must-have tools, like gsLearn and the Volunteer Toolkit, are accessible when you log in to MyGS —always accessible via the icon on the upper right corner of our website.
The Council Trainer Corps works with Volunteer Learning Services staff liaisons to develop, audit, and deliver required training, certifications/qualifications, and workshops. They are integral in relaying feedback from volunteers back to staff to ensure council trainings are relevant and engaging.
Interested in participating? Complete the Council Trainer Application.